Thursday, October 2, 2008

Photo-op and Farewell at the Stadium

Our good friend George thoughtfully invited Saba for one final farewell to Yankee Stadium -- and what a way to say goodbye! Joining George's firm, we went out to the Stadium outfield for an extended photo-op and tour of centerfield, the warning track, bullpen and Monument Park for a final visit on a beautiful early October morning. Dad had the energy to walk all the way from the Press Gate to the end of the park. We had a ton of fun. We stood where dad's boyhood idol Mickey Mantle played centerfield and we scampered around the area where the grass meets the warning track. We left with a final visit to Monument Park.

It was a special way for George to help pick up Dad's spirits after a difficult September. Dad joked with the imposing but gracious security staff that had he not been placed on the DL, the Yanks would have made the post-season.

I wasn't sure I wanted to go. D and Pa could have been the representatives, but it turned out that I had a great time too! It was a beautiful morning, an exciting opportunity, and a terrific way to get out of the house and pay one last visit to (the other) George's house.

And in case anyone is wondering, the Stadium still looked great. It's a mystery why they will soon tear the place down. The interior corridors are in terrific condition, the grass is still perfect, and nothing seems to have changed in the weeks since the final game. It's a shame we will never be able to visit again, but it was a wonderful way to have a final and lasting memory of a place Dad first visited in the early 1950s.

Thursday, September 18, 2008

Los Que En Ti Confian

Another beautiful photo by Ivan Castro

Calling photographers

We are looking to add to our database of appopriate transitional justice artwork