Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Yom Hazikaron on Har Herzl

Sorry, a day late, delayed by Yom Haatzmaut festivities today.

Families massing at Har Herzl just before the siren. The cemetery, unfortunately, was packed. We visited the plots of the fallen from 1948, where most of the graves naturally had few, if any visitors. Some of these photos are of Holocaust survivors: born in Poland, Czechoslovakia, came on aliya in 1946, '48, died in '48. Note the one where the mother's name and place of birth unknown.

There is also a picture of the older two people over a grave: they were the brother and sister of a young soldier brought up and killed at age 16 defending his hometown of Yerushalayim. They shared fascinating stories of their brother and their childhood in pre-war Jerusalem.

Finally, the president and prime minister's entourage in my office at Yad Vashem, the white building beside the limos (at in Oz, the VIPs are behind the curtain).

The Yasamnikim sped off and we were allowed back into the office after taking the lunch leftovers Peres and Bibi left behind. An interesting and moving day.

Sunday, April 19, 2009

Pesach 5769!

As we recover from our jetlag (some of us) and get back to regular life, here are some pics from our wonderful Pesach together in Yerushalayim. Thank you Baba and Saba for such a great trip!!

Friday, April 3, 2009

Dean Koh is now national news

For those preoccupied with weightier matters this week, see here. Hopefully Dean Koh will survive the vicious confirmation onslaught and be on the Court in a few years.

Curious George Comes to Raanana

From Cambridge, Mass., to Raanana. George and his friend the Man in the Yellow Hat (or balloon).

From Feldman Family Blog

From Curious George Comes to Raanana

Isak performs the plagues

This is pretty funny.

Thursday, April 2, 2009

It will be a summer of wisteria

Let's hope. Rechov Rachel Imenu.