Tuesday, November 17, 2009

This is what I do...

The Wall Street Journal came to the Medicare Rights Center to do a story on how we advise people at this time of year, which is the only time that people with Medicare can switch their drug coverage plan. Here is a little video clip from the office.

We're famous! You can see my back for a second (I'm the person moving in the rolling office chair in the back). They told us all to sit in the hotline area for the filming, but I was actually on a call with a client so I went late...
But this is actually what I do--I'm staying late on Mondays through the end of December because another employee and I are overseeing a group of volunteers who come in to do "Plan finders" with our clients (i.e. they search for new drug plans for clients based on their specific needs). Now it should all make sense to you :)

1 comment:

dodid said...

Minders!!! You roll with the best of 'em. And you roll by the window. Nice! Catching the natural light. Joe Baker cares much. Hannah Oakland seems very businesslike. Two questions: If you're a hotline, why don't they give you headsets to relieve neck strain (which may end up giving you a medicare claim)? And why didn't you turn around? Part A, Plan B, i'm confused. Please chelp!