Sunday, September 12, 2010

Our sweet trip to Haifa

To get the year off to a sweet start, we took a trip last weekend (the Thursday before Rosh Hashana) to our friends' family in Haifa. Our lovely friend Chen's parents run a small, old-fashioned pastry shop that has a national reputation and loyal clientele. Her dad wakes every morning at 4 to get things started at the bakery. They hosted us for a delicious breakfast and behind-the-scenes tour of the industrial-sized mixer, sufganiya maker, and other pastry shop equipment. We then walked around the beautiful Bahai gardens and coast with Chen and her husband Eitan. A fun and delicious end-of-year / end-of-summer tiyul.


1 comment:

Mindy said...

and this trip to haifa looks pretty sweet. shana tova to all